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expert on the employment of people with disabilities

Training, career development

We offer accessible, high-quality, market-driven training for job seekers with disabilities and people who want to develop. We think about individual career paths and follow them through from needs assessment to individual support to employment.

More details here!

Workplace inclusion

We support employers in their accessibility efforts by providing development, training, and advice, and matching them with ideal jobseekers with disabilities.

More details here!

Shaping minds

With our strategic partners, we are working toward creating an inclusive world of solidarity and changing attitudes in society for the long run.

More details here!

The Skilly in numbers


Skilly community member


quality training


study occasions


Successfully employed through Skilly


Corporate partner

Said about us

Training helps us get closer to people. We study to help them find their way to us.


Even if the progress is not always immediately visible, I later prove that I am capable of change. If I were stuck at a certain level or couldn't try new possibilities, I wouldn't discover that I could make a difference. Skilly can help me with this.


I have experienced that although my situation is not easy for me, others have difficulties too, so I am not alone.


What they do is very useful, they help me a lot with their courses, and they improve my communication, which makes me feel more confident, gives me direction, and helps me develop. I can learn about the situation of others, which helps me to reassess my own. It's all very motivating and inspiring. I'm glad I found Skilly.

P. Gábor

It is a very professional and open community. All the events and activities here are really for the mentees.

B. Gábor

Wrote about us

We aim to break down stereotypes in the public mind and to show that people with disabilities can be successful and useful members of society if given the opportunity.

I’ll read it

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